Chief Executive Officer, Apprentice Training New Zealand (ATNZ)
Currently CEO of Apprentice Training New Zealand (ATNZ), Tim has held executive roles in tertiary education in New Zealand over the last plus 30+ years, including roles in MIT, two PTEs and an ITO. He has a particular passion and significant experience in the inclusion of work integrated learning, in it's many different forms, in vocational education and training.
The work integrated learning spectrum. The evolution away from work integrated learning in New Zealand tertiary provision and comparison with benchmark countries. Why work integrated learning is not 'arranging training' and thoughts on why much of the old industry training system was neither. Why the RoVE emphasis on work-based learning was on the right track and the risks in any significant policy reset. Personal observations on effective work integrated learning practice. Why do educators, providers and policy makers seem to find work integrated learning so hard? Some thoughts on how leaders and policy makers can overcome these barriers.